Welcome to the Webinar Series Resource Page for
PART 1: 10/18/19 | PART 2: 11/ 22/19 | PART 3: 1/10/20 | PART 4: 2/7/20 | PART 5: 3/6/20
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Caryn Sabourin Ward (PhD, HSP-P, School Psychology, North Carolina State University). Dr. Ward is a Senior Implementation Specialist/Scientist with the National Implementation Research Network at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Ward provides intensive informed implementation supports to state and local education systems nationally through her work on the National State Implementation and Scaling up Center of Evidence Based Practices, national Center for School Turnaround, and the national center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. In addition, she co-leads the development of several implementation capacity measures and fidelity measures for use within state and local education systems. Previously, she has has provided direct and indirect services as a school psychologist, as a Response To Intervention (RTI) District Coordinator, and as the project director for the North Carolina RTI Consortium. The consortium developed several implementation tools under Dr. Ward’s leadership such as the Implementation Roadmap and others to develop implementation capacity, solve problems, and assure organization wide evidence based practice use and sustainability.
Tanya Ihlo, PhD is an Advanced Implementation Specialist with the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) and State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices Center (SISEP) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Ihlo has extensive experience supporting teams in building infrastructure and cultivating capacity to support implementation of evidence-based practices. Prior to joining the NIRN and SISEP teams, Dr. Ihlo served as the Director of the Nebraska Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Implementation Support Team and Co-Principal Investigator for a randomized control trial study (Project READERS) examining the impact of professional learning with coaching on teachers’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and practices related delivery of evidence-based reading interventions and the impact on student outcomes in rural schools across 8 states. Dr. Ihlo has co-authored book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, and briefs on positive behavior supports, multi-tiered reading interventions, early childhood consultation, and databased coaching.
NIRN Hexagon Discussion Analysis Tool v2.2
NY DOE Webinar 2_Final Handout Webinar 2
WEBINAR #3 (1/10/2020) RESOURCES – “Designing and Deploying an Effective Infrastructure for Implementation”
- 1-Drivers Tip Sheets
- 2-NIRN-Education-Coaching System Checklist
- 3-Drivers Best Practice Checklist
- 4-DCA
- 6-NY Community Schools Webinar 3 Handout
Click here to download Webinar #3 Resource Bundle (ZIP file)
WEBINAR #4 (2/7/2020) RESOURCES – “Recruiting and Selecting High Quality Talent: Practices to Ensure Best Fit”
- Webinar #4 Handout
- NIRN Sample Competency Development Plan
- Example Job Description for MTSS Specialist
- Example Interview Questions and Tasks for MTSS Specialist
- NY Community Schools Webinar 4 PPT Handout
Click here to download Webinar #4 Resource Bundle (ZIP file)
WEBINAR #5 (3/6/2020) RESOURCES – “Using a Decision Support Data System for Continuous Improvement Purpose”
- 9_SRSS-IE Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
- 10_SRSS-IE Coordinator Professional Learning Plan
- NY Community Schools Webinar 5 PPT Handout
Click here to download Webinar #5 Resource Bundle (ZIP file)
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