Central/Western Region CS TAC Updates

The Central/Western Region CS TAC is excited that Year Two is underway! See below for updates on the development of new and existing partnerships, resources for integrating community schools with Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and upcoming regional events and webinars. We are also scheduling school visits for fall, so please let us know if you would like to be our list. Finally, the NYS CS TAC is on Twitter! Connect with us to keep the conversation going, and to get the latest on community schools resources and events.

Partnership Updates

District Partnerships
Connecting with new school district partners continues to be our goal! The C/W CS TAC continues to build new partnerships with school districts as well as strengthen existing partnerships. The C/W CS TAC recently visited Unatego Central School District, a small rural district within DCMO BOCES. We are in the process of scheduling a limited number of school site visits for fall during which the C/W CS TAC is able to provide more intensive technical assistance. Upcoming school visits include Lockport High School and School 17 in Rochester City Schools. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a visit. 

BOCES Partnerships:
Building strong partnerships with BOCES is central to our work! The C/W CS TAC recently participated in the Broome-Tioga BOCES Leaders’ Academy by conducting a breakout session on “Building District Capacity for Fostering Resilience by Integrating MTSS with a Community Schools Approach.” Upcoming events for the C/W CS TAC include a keynote presentation and breakout session at a Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES event in September. The C/W CS TAC will also be co-sponsoring a regional event in May at Erie 1 BOCES in partnership with Erie 1, Erie 2, and C-A BOCES. Be sure to check our website for more information on how to register as events are posted. 

School-County-Community Partnerships:
Supporting regional coalitions is expanding our role! Lewis County and their five component school districts are finding innovative and collaborative ways to better support their region. County agencies and school districts have initiated an innovative cross-sector partnership model to evaluate current services, align practices, and identify priority areas as they head into the 2019-20 school year. The C/W TAC is excited to help facilitate and provide ongoing technical assistance as the Lewis County school districts and their county/community partners build regional capacity to improve positive outcomes for all.

Other Upcoming Events

Join us for our Central/Western NYS Community Schools Summit!

In 2016, Superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash rolled out the “Education Bargain” with students, families and staff. As part of the “Education Bargain”, Strong Community Schools was identified as a critical initiative and strategy to help guide the school improvement efforts of some of Buffalo’s lowest performing schools. Since its inception in 2016, the Strong Community Schools strategy has helped turn around a significant number of our schools under New York State accountability measures.

During this summit you will hear about the work in Buffalo and also be exposed to challenges, best practices and successes that come with the implementation of Strong Community Schools in New York’s 2nd largest school district. Attendees will also get to experience a Community School Saturday Academy as part of their participation in the summit.

Register: http://bit.ly/BSCS19

Kindergarden Transition Planning Summit

Kindergarten Readiness Summit
November 7th at Wayne/Finger Lakes BOCES

The goal of the summit will be to encourage the establishment of local transition teams, processes and activities that will support the needs of families with young children who are moving from one system of services to another.

Register: http://bit.ly/KindergartenSummit 

No More Empty Seats: Building Your Community School’s Capacity to Combat Chronic Absence
November 15th at UDC Room 220 from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Join Ronald Cope, II, from the National Center for Community Schools for a workshop that will focus on: continuous improvement, capacity building with an emphasis on human capital, data-driven attendance work, strong attendance teams, and aligning the attendance work with student activities and parent engagement.

Register: http://bit.ly/ChronicAbsence2


“How to Use the Science and Practice of Implementation to Solve Community Problems”
Friday, October 18th & Friday, November 22nd
Presented by Dr. Caryn Sabourin Ward – Director, State Implementation & Scaling Up Center of Evidence Based Practices (SISEP); Associate Director, Education & Measurement at the
National Implementation Research Network at UNC Chapel Hill

Register: https://www.nyscommunityschools.org/webinars/

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and stay updated with our upcoming events!

Do you have a community school story that you would like featured in our e-newsletter?

Email Elizabeth Anderson at cstac@binghamton.edu or call 607-777-9383