Central/Western Regional Update – August 7, 2020

Happy Friday from the Central/Western CS TAC!

 NYS Picks

This technical assistance resource is an effort originating from a partnership of the Office of Children and Families, Division of Criminal Justice Services and the University of Albany. Their mission includes, “disseminating information, assisting with implementation and assessing efficacy in existing youth justice programs, and by conducting cutting-edge research to advance the science and practice of evidence-based initiatives.” This work is crucial to all our NY communities as they aim to support all youth on their paths to success.


Meg says: “I recommend checking out their Lunch to Learn series of webinars. And if you scroll down on their homepage, they have an Explore Evidence Based Practices section (see picture), where you can choose to sort practices by ‘goal,’ ‘challenge area’ or ‘setting.’ A wonderful reference guide for any practitioner in any setting from schools, community, home or institutional setting. “


 CS TAC Resources Page Pick:

Mindfulness resources:
Courtesy of our knowledgeable friends at Citi BOCES, these tools and resources provide the reader opportunities to increase one’s own practice, and prepare to apply practices to the school year ahead.

Meg says: “Thank you, Liane Benedict, for these wonderful resources!”


 Tool/Training Pick:

This week’s tool comes from the National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network and provides definitions, suggested practices for addressing race and trauma in the classroom, and additional resources. As educators prepare for the new school year, this resource provides opportunity for developing or building on foundation knowledge of historical and racial trauma, how it may influence learning in the school setting according to age group, and how to authentically engage with students, families and the community.


Meg says: “I recommend this resource for its comprehensive coverage of both definitions and application of practices.”


   NY Schools Picks:

NYSED’s Sharing Your Stories:
This week’s pick offers several months of shared stories submitted by school districts, and youth organizations all over NYS. Follow the link below to land on Stay Connected and browse through the inspirational stories.


Meg says: “My favorite: June 11, 2020—Mr. Margo’s Full House.”



Do you have a community school story that you would like featured in our blog and e-newsletter?

Email Liz Anderson at cstac@binghamton.edu or call 607-777-9383.