Attendance (website)

The information presented on this page covers student, parent and school responsibilities in school attendance, the content of pupil attendance records, the identification of problems and the initiation of appropriate actions for improvement along with  the development of school attendance policy.


Child Abuse Prevention (website)

This page includes training on identifying child abuse and the role of mandated reporters.


School Health Services (website)

Health services and school nurses are an integral part of the school, ensuring the health and safety of students and staff. The health needs of students today have increased in scope and complexity. The information on this page is intended to assist health professionals and schools in providing health services in the school setting.


New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students (NYS-TEACHS) (website)

As a NYSED TA Center, NYS-TEACHS provides information, referrals, and trainings to schools, school districts, social service providers, parents, and others about the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness.


NYS Center for School Health (website)

The NYS Center for School Health provides education, information, and inspiration to all school medical staff including nurses, medical directors, health educators and those who oversee health education  as well as other allied school health professionals in the areas of mental health and social work.


Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) in Schools (website)

This page includes NYSED’s SEL guidelines and resources to support school faculty and staff in their support of student development.


School Safety (website)

NYSED is committed to promoting safe learning environments where students and teachers work collaboratively in pursuit of academic excellence and social and emotional growth. This page includes links to information on building a strong school culture, creating drug-free schools, and more.